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Introducing the New Leave Feature

Stas Kulesh
Stas Kulesh Follow
Jul 26, 2023 · 3 mins read
Introducing the New Leave Feature
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Hello, fellow users of Time Bot! Today, we have some exciting news to share with you. We’ve just rolled out a massive new feature that’s going to revolutionize how you manage your time and leaves within the Time Bot ecosystem. Say hello to the brand new Leave feature!

Up until now, Time Bot has been helping you track your time in Slack, create invoices, and manage the invoicing process seamlessly. But we knew there was something missing, and after much hard work and dedication, we’re thrilled to present the Leave feature that enables you to request and manage leaves directly through Slack!

A Sneak Peek at the Leave Feature

With the new Leave feature, you can request various types of leaves, such as personal leave, vacation, sick leave, parental leave, and more. Gone are the days of sending countless emails or dealing with clunky third-party systems to request time off. Time Bot makes it incredibly easy to manage your leaves right where you work - in Slack!

Let’s dive into how the Leave feature works from both the administrator’s and user’s perspectives.

Administrator Perspective

As an administrator, you can configure the Leave feature by setting up your company holidays. This ensures that when employees request leaves, it automatically takes into account any public holidays or company-off days. You have the flexibility to add holidays for all countries, making it ideal for remote teams with global members.

Administrator Perspective leave

User Perspective

From the user’s perspective, requesting leave has never been simpler. You can log in to Time Bot as an employee and navigate to the Leave section. Here, you’ll choose the type of leave you need, select the dates, add a note if necessary, and click on “Request Leave.” Voila! Your leave request is on its way to your manager.

User Perspective leave

Approval Process

Once a leave request is submitted, it lands in the hands of the designated leave management administrator. They receive a notification in Slack and can then approve or decline the request. If the request is approved, you, as the employee, receive a notification confirming the approval.

Approval Process

Benefits of the Leave Feature

  1. Seamless and Centralized
    No more navigating through different platforms or emails to manage your leaves. Time Bot consolidates everything in Slack, your primary workspace.

  2. Enhanced Visibility
    The new Leave feature provides a calendar view, giving you a clear overview of who is on leave during specific periods.

  3. Time Tracking Integration
    By connecting leaves directly with your time tracking data, Time Bot ensures accurate reporting and management.

  4. Global Holidays Support
    Whether your team is spread across different countries or regions, Time Bot handles company holidays effortlessly.

  5. Streamlined Communication
    Managers and employees can communicate directly within Slack, making the leave management process more efficient.

Get Started Today

Ready to unlock the full potential of the Leave feature? If you’re already a Time Bot user, simply log in and explore the new capabilities. And if you’re new to Time Bot, what are you waiting for? Join the thousands of businesses already benefiting from our time management and invoicing solutions!

As always, we value your feedback and suggestions. Let us know how we can make Time Bot an even more incredible tool for you. Reach out to David at or leave a comment on our YouTube video showcasing the Leave feature.

Thank you for choosing Time Bot as your trusted time-tracking and management companion. We look forward to introducing more exciting features to help you make the most of your time!

Try out Time for Slack with our demo and subscribe to your 10-day free trial:

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Stas Kulesh
Stas Kulesh
Written by Stas Kulesh
Time founder. I blog, play fretless guitar, watch Peep Show and run a digital design/dev shop in Auckland, New Zealand. Parenting too.