For years, businesses have relied on spreadsheets for all sorts of tasks, from managing budgets to tracking employee hours. But when it comes to time tracking, what used to be a quick-fix solution has become a source of inefficiency, errors, and lost opportunities. As businesses evolve, so do their needs. And in a fast-paced world where accurate data is essential, using spreadsheets to track time can harm productivity, drain resources, and even affect employee morale.

Here’s why tracking time in spreadsheets is damaging your business—and what you can do instead.

1. Prone to Human Error

One of the biggest issues with spreadsheets is their susceptibility to human error. According to a study by Market Watch, 88% of spreadsheets contain mistakes. That’s nearly 9 out of 10! These errors are often small—such as a typo, wrong formula, or missed cell—but they can have massive consequences.

For businesses relying on accurate time tracking for payroll or billing, even a minor mistake can lead to overpayment or underpayment, upset employees, and unhappy clients. While spreadsheet formulas are useful, they are also complex and easy to misconfigure. One wrong input could throw off entire calculations, leading to misinformed business decisions.

2. Time-Consuming and Inefficient

Manually inputting time data into spreadsheets isn’t just error-prone, it’s also slow. Employees and managers often waste hours of their workweek logging their hours and double-checking entries for accuracy. In fact, a study by The American Payroll Association suggests that businesses lose 4% to 7% of their total payroll costs due to errors and inefficiencies in manual timekeeping systems, like spreadsheets.

For smaller businesses, time is a crucial resource. Allocating hours toward filling out spreadsheets means less time is spent on value-adding activities, like client work, strategy planning, or employee development. If employees are spending their time chasing down coworkers for timesheet corrections, it’s not only frustrating but also a misuse of time.

3. Lack of Real-Time Visibility

Modern businesses require real-time insights to make informed decisions. When time tracking is handled in spreadsheets, there is no immediate visibility into how much time is being spent on specific projects or tasks. If you’re looking to allocate resources, adjust budgets, or measure productivity in real-time, a spreadsheet will fail to provide the immediate clarity you need.

Spreadsheets also don’t offer an accurate overview of how resources are being allocated. As a result, project managers may miss bottlenecks or overloading of employees, which can affect productivity and project deadlines. Nearly 70% of companies report missed deadlines as a direct result of poor resource management. Without real-time data, you’re likely to find out too late that a project is off-track or a team is overworked.

4. Security and Privacy Concerns

Spreadsheets are often shared via email or cloud-based storage systems like Google Sheets or Excel Online. While convenient, this practice can expose sensitive information to data breaches or unauthorized access. Time-tracking data may include sensitive employee details, client information, or confidential project data. If spreadsheets are not properly secured, they could easily fall into the wrong hands, risking data privacy and compliance violations.

According to a report by McAfee, 43% of data breaches are the result of internal threats, whether accidental or malicious. When your time tracking relies on spreadsheets, it’s much harder to control access and track changes than with more secure, purpose-built time-tracking software.

5. Difficulty in Scalability

Spreadsheets may be workable for small teams, but as your business grows, the limitations of manual time tracking become painfully apparent. Managing time data for a handful of employees in a spreadsheet may seem easy, but what happens when your team doubles in size or takes on multiple projects with various billing rates?

Spreadsheets lack the flexibility to handle complex time-tracking needs like tiered billing, varying project timelines, or multiple currencies. Moreover, as the volume of data increases, the likelihood of errors multiplies. Without a system to handle these complexities, your business can face inefficiencies, and your team will become bogged down in administrative tasks rather than focusing on high-value work.

6. Limited Reporting and Insights

Data is only valuable if you can extract insights from it. Unfortunately, spreadsheets often fall short when it comes to generating comprehensive reports. Sure, you can create graphs and pivot tables, but these features are limited and time-consuming to configure.

Time-tracking software, on the other hand, is built to offer detailed reports that highlight employee performance, project profitability, and resource allocation. It also gives managers the tools to analyze trends over time, helping them make proactive decisions rather than reactive fixes. According to research from Deloitte, companies that utilize advanced analytics for project management see a 30% improvement in their project success rates.

7. Negative Impact on Employee Morale

When employees are required to manually log their hours in spreadsheets, it can feel like micromanagement. The repetitive and often tedious task of manually entering and reviewing hours can lead to dissatisfaction. Additionally, if there are discrepancies or payroll issues due to spreadsheet errors, it can further harm employee morale.

Employees want to feel valued and trusted, and spending their time on monotonous, error-prone tasks can lead to disengagement. A study by Gallup found that disengaged employees cost businesses an estimated $450 to $550 billion annually in lost productivity. Adopting a streamlined, user-friendly time-tracking system demonstrates a commitment to improving the employee experience.

8. Missed Automation Opportunities

Modern time-tracking tools offer automation features that spreadsheets simply can’t match. For instance, many time-tracking solutions can automatically log hours based on activity, reducing the need for manual input. They can also send reminders to employees to submit their hours or notify managers of timesheet discrepancies.

Automation ensures accuracy and saves time for both employees and management. It can also integrate with other business tools, like payroll or project management systems, to streamline the entire workflow. Automated time-tracking systems can reduce errors by up to 75%, according to a report by HR Dive.

The Better Solution: Switching to Time-Tracking Software

Moving from spreadsheets to a dedicated time-tracking software can revolutionize your business operations. Here’s why:

In a world where efficiency, accuracy, and employee satisfaction are key drivers of success, relying on outdated time-tracking methods like spreadsheets is a liability. The right software can save your business time, money, and resources, while also promoting a culture of transparency and accountability.


Spreadsheets may have their place in the office, but for time tracking, they’re doing more harm than good. The manual input, error risk, inefficiencies, and lack of real-time visibility all lead to lost productivity and increased costs. By switching to dedicated time-tracking software, businesses can streamline processes, improve accuracy, and foster a more productive work environment.

Consider integrating Time for Slack, a user-friendly solution that simplifies time tracking right within your team’s messaging platform. With its automation features and real-time insights, Time bot empowers your employees to log their hours effortlessly, allowing your business to focus on what truly matters. It’s time to let go of spreadsheets and embrace the future of time tracking!

Try out Time for Slack with our demo and subscribe to your 7-day free trial: