Remote Management: Strategies and Tools

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Attendance Bot vs Time Bot: Comparison

As technology continues to evolve, businesses are finding new ways to automate processes and increase efficiency. One area that has seen significant innovation is employee management....

In Slack, Time Bot, Productivity, Time-Tracking, Comparison, May 10, 2023

Taking Sick Leave While Working Remote

We’ve all had those days where we wake up feeling like we got hit by a truck. Our head is pounding, we’re running a fever, and our stomach is doing somersaults. But what do you do whe...

In Slack, Time Bot, Productivity, Time-Tracking, May 03, 2023

Boost Your Productivity with Precise Time Tracking

Time is one of the most valuable resources we have, yet it is also one of the most finite. Unfortunately, many people struggle with managing their time effectively, which can lead to ...

In Slack, Time Bot, Productivity, Time-Tracking, Apr 26, 2023

Discover 5 Benefits of Using a Time Tracking App

As a business owner or manager, you know how important it is to keep track of the time and effort put into each project. It’s not just about billing clients by the hour – it’s about u...

In Slack, Time Bot, Productivity, Time-Tracking, Apr 21, 2023

The Essential Tips for Remote Work Productivity

Several studies show that remote workers are just as productive, if not more productive, than their office-based counterparts. For example, a study by Stanford University found that r...

In Slack, Time Bot, Productivity, Time-Tracking, Tips & Tricks, Apr 19, 2023

Automate Your Invoicing Workflow with Time Bot

Time bot for Slack is designed to track and manage the time employees spend on tasks and projects. It can be used for a variety of purposes invoicing is one of them!

In Slack, Time Bot, Productivity, Time-Tracking, Invoicing, Apr 14, 2023

7 Time Wasters to Avoid in the Workplace

We’ve all been there - the clock is ticking, the deadlines are looming, and you’re struggling to make any real progress on your work tasks. As frustrating as it may be, it’s all too c...

In Slack, Time Bot, Productivity, Time-Tracking, Research, Apr 12, 2023

Boost Efficiency with Dashboard Setup

Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to boost your team’s productivity with Time Bot’s dashboard and stand-up feature! Are you tired of struggling to keep track of your team’s daily a...

In Slack, Time Bot, Productivity, Onboarding, Time-Tracking, Apr 07, 2023

3 Reasons Why Startups Should Implement Time Tracking

Startups hold a prominent position in the business world due to their potential for rapid growth, ambitious objectives, and adaptable working practices. However, time tracking becomes...

In Slack, Time bot, Time-tracking, Invoicing, Apr 05, 2023

Time Bot: An Overview of Installation and Features

If you’re looking for a way to boost communication and teamwork among your employees, you might want to check out Time Bot. It’s a really helpful tool that’s easy to set up and comes ...

In Slack, Time bot, Invoicing, Onboarding, Time-tracking, Mar 31, 2023

New Pricing Alert: Per-Active-User Model

At Time, we always strive to provide our users with the best value and experience. That’s why we’re excited to announce an upcoming pricing change based on your valuable feedback. To ...

In Time, Slack, Bot, Pricing model, Product development, Mar 27, 2023

The Importance of Overtime Tracking

Companies need to consider employee well-being and workload management during these unprecedented times. For most employees, working eight hours a day can sometimes feel insufficient....

In Work-Life-Balance, Productivity, Slackbot, Human Resources, Time Tracking, Mar 21, 2023

Achieve Balance: Effective Work-Life Strategies

In today’s world, where constant connectivity and heavier workloads are commonplace, it can be challenging for workers to take a break. However, corporations should prioritise their e...

In Work-Life-Balance, Productivity, Appreciation, Slackbot, Human Resources, Mar 09, 2023

How Does Time Tracking Impact Employee Productivity?

In today’s fast-paced business world, time tracking has become an essential tool for many organizations. With the rise of remote work, flexible schedules, and the need to improve prod...

In Slack, Productivity, Time, Bot, Invoicing, Time Tracking, Mar 02, 2023

Time for Tracking Time on Slack

Non-intrusive in-chat time-tracking

In Slackbot, Time tracking, Jun 26, 2019